Jehovah’s witnesses and Christmas: The Star and The Conspiracy

Christmas: The Star

What do Witnesses teach about the star that guided the Wise Men to Bethlehem? They teach it is the star of Satan and the wise men were agents for Herod who were also intent on killing the child Jesus.

The Watchtower of January 4, 1952 states of the wise men: “They were sent for by Herod for the purpose of helping him vent his hatred and aiding him in his plan for the child’s destruction.” From the article, “Pinning the Blame on the One Responsible.” Para. 14.

In “My Little Book of Bible Stories”, their publication for children, story 86 entitled, “Men Guided by a Star” tells children, “Satan is the one who made that star shine.”

So far, their assertions are bold and have no evidence to back their claims. What does the Bible say? We will first address the origin of the star according to the Bible:

Matthew 2:2 says: “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” KJV. The prophesy of Christ at Numbers 24:17 says, “…a star will come out of Jacob; a sceptre will rise out of Israel.” KJV. These verses undo Jehovah’s witness doctrine. They tell us whose star it is: Jesus’ and the reason why the wise men came, not to kill Jesus, but to worship him.

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As for the wise men being conspirators against Jesus along with Herod, this theory cannot be accepted either. Matthew 2:8 says, “….go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.” KJV. Herod did not tell the wise men his real intention to kill Jesus, meaning the wise men were not part of a conspiracy against the Lord, ‘aiding in the plan for the child’s destruction’, as the witness doctrine teaches.

Rather, the wise men were joyous when they came to Jesus’ house, falling down and worshipping him, presenting him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They had followed the star and fulfilled the purpose of their trip: to find and worship Jesus, the King of the Jews. Matthew 2:11.

In Matthew 2:12, it states: “…and being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way”. KJV. Yes, the wise men were truly wise not to return to Herod. They heeded God and did not betray Christ to his enemy.

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Why would the Jehovah’s witnesses teach the star belongs to the devil and the wise men conspired with Herod to kill Jesus? Because the birth of Jesus introduced the catalyst for change among the Israelites, the ruling Government at the time and for the Devil. Jesus birth had dire implications to the leadership of the Israelites who craved power. Herod was threatened by Christ’s birth, as the Bible predicted he would be the King, a title Herod would share with nobody. And finally and most importantly, Jesus birth threatened the rulership of the Devil, which, until Jesus birth, had no way of being undone. Witnesses say, ‘The world belongs to the wicked one’. Actually it doesn’t. The ultimate victory that Jesus accomplished on the cross worked to damn the Devil and redeemed mankind before God.

Scriptures to look up: Matthew 2:2, 2:11, 2:12, Numbers 24:17.

Published by beekay777

Providing information about the Jehovah's witness doctrines that oppose Christianity. Examining what Jehovah's witnesses really teach.

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